West Penn Miata Club

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2006 Meeting at the Bonds' and Cruise

12 Miatas line up at the Holidome for the cruise.

We like seeing the Miata in our side mirror.

Jumonsville Cross at top of Dunbar Knob

You can see 3 states & 7 counties.

Group Photo at top Dunbar Knob

Ok guys let's get going. We're hungry.

Brian is leading us to the monthy meeting
& cookout.

Looks like Jay is the designated cook.

Too bad it was a little chilly. The pool looks

Let's eat.

Bryan's shrine to the Miata

Well, almost all of them fit in the driveway.

The WPMC Meeting - nice to see so many

Zooming is what we like to do the most.

West Penn Miata Club * 3929 Murry Highlands Circle * Murrysville * PA * 15668