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Miata Mountain Mania 2010
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2005 Greene County & West Virginia Back Country Roads Cruise

Our I - 79 Line Up

1st of many curves for the day.

Traveling Rt 7

Traveling through some lush greenery.

We want more of the same, Curves.

Some great scenery from the top of the ridge.

Another shot along the ridge.

A little stretch before hitting Rt 250.

A much needed Pit Stop.

Getting close to the restaurant. They can smell "the burgers".

What a ride.

They're ready for the "BURGERS".

Here is the BURGER. Steve & Dana get theirs first.

Steve likes his burgers. He ate all of his.

Bernadine couldn't believe the size.

Half of the burger is on Sally's plate. Most of us took half home.

Look what John did to his car, stripes & roll bar.

West Penn Miata Club * 3929 Murry Highlands Circle * Murrysville * PA * 15668